The Dollar Bill Game

Everyone is invited to play The Dollar Bill Game. We invite you to post your comments on how you are doing and what miracles are happening in your life.

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Dollar Bill Game

The Game

Each week, take out a dollar bill and write the following on the back of it:
“May you be blessed with Love, Wealth and Health."

Write sincerely, with your best energy. Then take this bill to a public place and secretly place it at a spot where somebody may find it "by chance."

You can leave it behind an item on a supermarket shelf, put in somebody's mail box when you are walking your dog...

The key is not to guess who will get it, and don't let people see you do it. It's a very effective game if you do it with sincerity and a playful attitude. Why?

1. You activate the energy of "I have enough" since you are giving away money.

2. You will create a beautiful moment in another human's life. This pure giving energy will come back to you in ten folds.

3. You are being totally allowing and non-resisting while doing it because you don't judge the person who will receive your blessing.

4. Don't forget to tell the universe that you would like to receive more prosperity in your life! Your positive intention will manifest.


Since this is a blog, the way we will post our messages is via “Comments.” This means that everyone will have the opportunity to share their stories as many times as you want, preferably every week. The idea is to keep them coming so we can cheer on everyone’s success all the time.

So, my friends, let’s enjoy this fantastic enterprise. Let’s make this a popular blog, while we create community, brighten someone’s day, and share incredible abundance.

Our address is: Pass it on to all your lists.

Yours in abundance,
PS: I didn't invent this game but I am very grateful to be part of it.


At 5:53 AM, Blogger Angie said...

Thanks for setting up this blog! I just found it and am starting today. This is a great idea, and although you didn't invent it, it's great you are sharing it with others. I like the idea that you are being non-resisting and don't have attachment to the outcome. Besides, it's always great to brighten someone's day! :-)

All the best (and then some!)
Angie Ziegler


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